Point inputs with periodic boundary conditions

This example shows how to give point inputs with periodic boundary conditions (e.g. crystal data) to a Euclidean neural network built with e3nn. For a specific application, this code should be modified with a more tailored network design.

import torch
import e3nn
import ase
import ase.neighborlist
import torch_geometric
import torch_geometric.data

default_dtype = torch.float64

Example crystal structures

First, we create some crystal structures which have periodic boundary conditions.

# A lattice is a 3 x 3 matrix
# The first index is the lattice vector (a, b, c)
# The second index is a Cartesian index over (x, y, z)

# Polonium with Simple Cubic Lattice
po_lattice = torch.eye(3) * 3.340  # Cubic lattice with edges of length 3.34 AA
po_coords = torch.tensor([[0., 0., 0.,]])
po_types = ['Po']

# Silicon with Diamond Structure
si_lattice = torch.tensor([
    [0.      , 2.734364, 2.734364],
    [2.734364, 0.      , 2.734364],
    [2.734364, 2.734364, 0.      ]
si_coords = torch.tensor([
    [1.367182, 1.367182, 1.367182],
    [0.      , 0.      , 0.      ]
si_types = ['Si', 'Si']

po = ase.Atoms(symbols=po_types, positions=po_coords, cell=po_lattice, pbc=True)
si = ase.Atoms(symbols=si_types, positions=si_coords, cell=si_lattice, pbc=True)

Create and store periodic graph data

We use the ase.neighborlist.neighbor_list algorithm and a radial_cutoff distance to define which edges to include in the graph to represent interactions with neighboring atoms. Note that for a convolutional network, the number of layers determines the receptive field, i.e. how “far out” any given atom can see. So even if a we use a radial_cutoff = 3.5, a two layer network effectively sees 2 * 3.5 = 7 distance units (in this case Angstroms) away and a three layer network 3 * 3.5 = 10.5 distance units. We then store our data in torch_geometric.data.Data objects that we will batch with torch_geometric.data.DataLoader below.

radial_cutoff = 3.5  # Only include edges for neighboring atoms within a radius of 3.5 Angstroms.
type_encoding = {'Po': 0, 'Si': 1}
type_onehot = torch.eye(len(type_encoding))

dataset = []

dummy_energies = torch.randn(2, 1, 1)  # dummy energies for example

for crystal, energy in zip([po, si], dummy_energies):
    # edge_src and edge_dst are the indices of the central and neighboring atom, respectively
    # edge_shift indicates whether the neighbors are in different images / copies of the unit cell
    edge_src, edge_dst, edge_shift = ase.neighborlist.neighbor_list("ijS", a=crystal, cutoff=radial_cutoff, self_interaction=True)

    data = torch_geometric.data.Data(
        lattice=torch.tensor(crystal.cell.array).unsqueeze(0),  # We add a dimension for batching
        x=type_onehot[[type_encoding[atom] for atom in crystal.symbols]],  # Using "dummy" inputs of scalars because they are all C
        edge_index=torch.stack([torch.LongTensor(edge_src), torch.LongTensor(edge_dst)], dim=0),
        edge_shift=torch.tensor(edge_shift, dtype=default_dtype),
        energy=energy  # dummy energy (assumed to be normalized "per atom")


[Data(x=[1, 2], edge_index=[2, 7], pos=[1, 3], lattice=[1, 3, 3], edge_shift=[7, 3], energy=[1, 1]), Data(x=[2, 2], edge_index=[2, 10], pos=[2, 3], lattice=[1, 3, 3], edge_shift=[10, 3], energy=[1, 1])]

The first torch_geometric.data.Data object is for simple cubic Polonium which has 7 edges: 6 for nearest neighbors and 1 as a “self” edge, 6 + 1 = 7. The second torch_geometric.data.Data object is for diamond Silicon which has 10 edges: 4 nearest neighbors for each of the two atoms and 2 “self” edges, one for each atom, 4 * 2 + 1 * 2 = 10. The lattice of each structure has a shape of [1, 3, 3] such that when we batch examples, the batched lattices will have shape [batch_size, 3, 3].

Graph Batches

torch_geometric.data.DataLoader create batches of differently sized structures and produces torch_geometric.data.Data objects containing a batch when iterated over.

batch_size = 2
dataloader = torch_geometric.data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size)

for data in dataloader:
DataBatch(x=[3, 2], edge_index=[2, 17], pos=[3, 3], lattice=[2, 3, 3], edge_shift=[17, 3], energy=[2, 1], batch=[3], ptr=[3])
tensor([0, 1, 1])
tensor([[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
        [1.3672, 1.3672, 1.3672],
        [0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]])
tensor([[1., 0.],
        [0., 1.],
        [0., 1.]])

data.batch is the batch index which is tensor of shape [batch_size] that stores which points or “atoms” belong to which example. In this case, since we only have two examples in our batch, the batch tensor only contains the numbers 0 and 1. The batch index is often passed to scatter operations to aggregate per examples values, e.g. the total energy for a single crystal structure.

For more details on batching with torch_geometric, please see this page.

Relative distance vectors of edges with periodic boundaries

To calculate the vectors associated with each edge for a given torch_geometric.data.Data object representing a single example, we use the following expression:

edge_src, edge_dst = data['edge_index'][0], data['edge_index'][1]
edge_vec = (data['pos'][edge_dst] - data['pos'][edge_src]
            + torch.einsum('ni,nij->nj', data['edge_shift'], data['lattice']))

The first line in the definition of edge_vec is simply how one normally computes relative distance vectors given two points. The second line adds the contribution to the relative distance vector due to crossing unit cell boundaries i.e. if atoms belong to different images of the unit cell. As we will see below, we can modify this expression to also include the data['batch'] tensor when handling batched data.

One Approach: Adding a Preprocessing Method to the Network

While edge_vec can be stored in the torch_geometric.data.Data object, it can also be calculated by adding a preprocessing method to the Network. For this example, we create a modified version of the example network SimpleNetwork documented here with source code here. SimpleNetwork is a good starting point to check your data pipeline but should be replaced with a more tailored network for your specific application.

from e3nn.nn.models.v2103.gate_points_networks import SimpleNetwork
from typing import Dict, Union
import torch_scatter

class SimplePeriodicNetwork(SimpleNetwork):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        """The keyword `pool_nodes` is used by SimpleNetwork to determine
        whether we sum over all atom contributions per example. In this example,
        we want use a mean operations instead, so we will override this behavior.
        self.pool = False
        if kwargs['pool_nodes'] == True:
            kwargs['pool_nodes'] = False
            kwargs['num_nodes'] = 1.
            self.pool = True

    # Overwriting preprocess method of SimpleNetwork to adapt for periodic boundary data
    def preprocess(self, data: Union[torch_geometric.data.Data, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]) -> torch.Tensor:
        if 'batch' in data:
            batch = data['batch']
            batch = data['pos'].new_zeros(data['pos'].shape[0], dtype=torch.long)

        edge_src = data['edge_index'][0]  # Edge source
        edge_dst = data['edge_index'][1]  # Edge destination

        # We need to compute this in the computation graph to backprop to positions
        # We are computing the relative distances + unit cell shifts from periodic boundaries
        edge_batch = batch[edge_src]
        edge_vec = (data['pos'][edge_dst]
                    - data['pos'][edge_src]
                    + torch.einsum('ni,nij->nj', data['edge_shift'], data['lattice'][edge_batch]))

        return batch, data['x'], edge_src, edge_dst, edge_vec

    def forward(self, data: Union[torch_geometric.data.Data, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]]) -> torch.Tensor:
        # if pool_nodes was set to True, use scatter_mean to aggregate
        output = super().forward(data)
        if self.pool == True:
            return torch_scatter.scatter_mean(output, data.batch, dim=0)  # Take mean over atoms per example
            return output

We define and run the network.

net = SimplePeriodicNetwork(
    irreps_in="2x0e",  # One hot scalars (L=0 and even parity) on each atom to represent atom type
    irreps_out="1x0e",  # Single scalar (L=0 and even parity) to output (for example) energy
    max_radius=radial_cutoff, # Cutoff radius for convolution
    num_neighbors=10.0,  # scaling factor based on the typical number of neighbors
    pool_nodes=True,  # We pool nodes to predict total energy

When we apply the network to our data, we get one scalar per example.

for data in dataloader:
    print(net(data).shape)  # One scalar per example
torch.Size([2, 1])